As of 30th September 2019 Crowthorne Reduce Our Waste became an unincorporated association. This means we have formalised ourselves and have a written constitution, named members of the committee and a code of conduct which the committee has agreed to. As a member of this group you can be part of this association and have the opportunity to be involved in meetings and to attend our AGM, where you have voting rights.
As a member you agree to abide by the group rules and understand that your involvement in any voluntary events associated with CROW is part of our mission to build a sustainable and environmentally sensitive community. We have made this step to ensure we are clear about our aims and objectives and to enable us to be more ambitious as we move forward. It will also enable us to apply for grants which can be used to fund community projects. Please read the Constitution and Code of Conduct which you can find on this site.
If you would like to become a member of CROW please complete the following form. Your details will be held on our database of members. If you would like your details removed please contact us via the ‘Contact’ page.